Church and Museum of Orsanmichele

The Orsanmichele Church is located in the heart of Florence. It is one of the city’s hidden gems. The church is one of Florence’s most unique churches. Its name comes from its location and purpose, as it was an oratory dedicated to St. Michael with a vegetable garden surrounding it. In 1336, the structure was built as a market, and by 1380, it was converted into a church. 

Guilds agreed to decorate the outside of the church with statues of their patron saints. Artists such as Donatello, Ghiberti, and others completed the sculptures.

Due to their beauty, the statues are now preserved in the Museum of Orsanmichele. Almost all of the interior of the church has remained intact since it was constructed in the Gothic style



It has been Florence’s pride and joy since 1200. Due to the 14 external niches adorned with statues, it could be called an open-air art gallery today. Its history, however, makes it one of Florence’s wonders. 

Among these statues, Donatello‘s San Marco has recently been restored in the Orsanmichele Museum (while the one outside is a copy). 2.48 meters high, the statue is made of Apuan marble. It was commissioned by the corporation Linaioli e Rigattieri. It was presented for restoration in the Orsanmichele museum on 19 May.

Among the interior features of the church are two naves and six cross vaults. The upper floors are accessible either through a steep spiral staircase or through an arch connected to the church of Orsanmichele opposite the Palazzo della Lana. It is one of the most characteristic views in Florence.

Originally, Orsanmichele was built as the church of San Michele in Orto for the grain market. Originally, it was a loggia that was converted into the church of the Arts, the ancient Florentine guilds.

As part of the building of the covered grain and cereal market, Florence had the ancient church of San Michele in Orto, affectionately known as Or San Michele by the Florentines, destroyed in 1240.

Eventually, the upper floors of the ancient granary of Florence would be used for grain storage as well as housing the market.

opening hours and ticket price


Open on Tuesday and Saturday. Group visits only. Max 30 visitors per group.
Visits start at: 10:30 – 11:40 – 12:50 – 14:15 – 15:25 – 16:35
SPECIAL OPENING on Saturday, September 24: 19:00-22:00 (special admission fee: 1,00)


Full price: € 4,00
Reduced price: € 2,00 (visitors between 18 and 25 years old)

You can get more information from the official website of the Orsanmichele museum in Florence.



Why is the Orsanmichele important?

It was a Florentine building that was of the history of sculptures in the early renaissance, built in 1337, for storing grain. it was owned by the city, and it was after an oratory dedicated to saint Michal that had previously occupied the site in the 9th century.

What is the dress code for the orsanmichele museum?

There is no specific dress code for orsanmichele. So casual and summer outfits are acceptable.

Which of the following choices is the statue displayed inside the Museum of the Orsanmichele church?

There is a marble statue of Saint Mark (1411-1413) which stands approximately seven feet and nine inches high and is displayed in the museum of the Orsanmichele church in Florence, Italy, a work by Donatello.

What is so significant about Donatello’s Saint Mark?

Saint Mark is the first of three pieces Donatello completed for Orsanmichele’s exterior niches. As a commission of the linen weaver’s guild, it was completed between 1411 and 1413. Historically, St. Mark is credited with founding the Church of Alexandria.


Opening days and times 2024

Opening hours

Tuesday and Saturday. Group visits only. Max 30 visitors per group.

Ticket prices

Full price: € 4,00
Reduced price: € 2,00 (visitors between 18 and 25 years old)

How to get there

Via dell’Arte della Lana – 50123 Firenze

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