Free Museums in Florence All the Dates

Free Museums in Florence during 2023: All the Dates

The dates for free museums in Florence cover a significant portion of 2023, allowing visitors to explore the city’s major art venues at no cost. From the Uffizi Gallery to the Accademia Gallery and from the Medici Chapels to the Bargello Museum, there are several opportunities to enjoy these attractions without spending a single euro or at a reduced price. Let’s delve into the details of when museums in Florence offer free admission and which evenings have a symbolic ticket price of only 1 euro. Here’s a summary:

Free Museums in Florence
Free Museums in Florence

Every first Sunday of the month:

It has become a classic feature of “low-cost tourism”: on the first Sunday of every month, state museums throughout Italy, including those in Florence, offer free admission as part of the “Sunday at the Museum” initiative by the Ministry of Culture. In Florence, the participating museums open on Sundays (subject to calendar changes) include the Uffizi Gallery, Palazzo Pitti, Boboli Gardens, Bargello Museum, Medici Chapels, and the National Archaeological Museum.

The Villa Bardini Gardens are also free to enter on the first Sunday of each month, known for their spectacular wisteria blooms. Moreover, residents of the Metropolitan City of Florence can enter the civic museums managed by the Municipality (such as Palazzo Vecchio and Museo Novecento) for free. These museums also offer guided tours and family activities during “Metropolitan Sunday.” Here’s a detailed schedule with opening hours for free museums in Florence on the first Sunday of each month.

Free Museums in Florence: Other Dates in 2023 for Zero-cost Visits:

There are special dates throughout 2023 when museums in Florence offer free admission to commemorate anniversaries and national holidays. For example, it happened on March 8, International Women’s Day, and similar events will occur in the coming months. The Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, has indicated three specific days when state museums (including those in Florence) will grant free admission to all visitors: Tuesday, April 25, for Liberation Day; Friday, June 2, to celebrate the Italian Republic; and Saturday, November 4, for the National Unity and Armed Forces Day.

At present, the Uffizi Gallery, Boboli Gardens, Accademia Gallery, Bargello Museum, Medici Chapels, Palazzo Davanzati Museum, National Archaeological Museum, and San Marco Museum have announced their participation in these free openings. Additionally, on Easter Sunday, April 9, access to the Santa Maria Novella complex is free from 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM. Let’s not forget the museums and churches in Florence that are always free to visit (see the list here).

Night of Museums and European Heritage Days: Tickets for 1 Euro:

Although not entirely free, some museums in Florence participate in the Night of Museums and European Heritage Days with a symbolic ticket price of 1 euro for evening visits. These events take place at different times of the year. The Night of Museums, held simultaneously across Europe for 18 years, will occur on Saturday, May 13, 2023.

Museums such as the Uffizi Gallery, Medici Chapels, and the Archaeological Museum are among the participants (see the complete calendar at the end of the article). On the other hand, European Heritage Days are Europe’s most extensive and participatory cultural event, featuring special guided tours, initiatives, and encounters. This year, they will occur between Saturday, September 16, and Sunday, September 17, 2023.

Free Museums in Florence -International Museum Day 2023:

International Day for Museums:

On Thursday, May 18, 2023, International Museum Day will be celebrated, and three museums affiliated with the University of Florence will offer free admission to all visitors during the evening. This year’s event, organized by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), focuses on sustainability and well-being. The University of Florence’s museum system has announced that the Museum of Geology and Paleontology (via La Pira 4), the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology (via del Proconsolo 12), and the Botanical Garden “Giardino dei Semplici” (Via Micheli 3) will be open for free from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM on May 18. Students and doctoral candidates will accompany visitors in exploring these three locations.

Bright Night: Night of Researchers:

In Florence, state and municipal museums and those affiliated with the University of Florence are usually accessible for free during the Bright Night, also known as the Night of Researchers. These include the Paleontological Museum, featuring impressive mammoths and a beautiful room dedicated to a fossilized whale, and the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology, which offers insights into distant cultures.

The “festival of science,” including initiatives and encounters, is scheduled for late September. The program will be announced in the coming months.

When Museums in Florence Are Free: All the Dates to Mark on Your Calendar in 2023:

Here’s a concise overview of when museums in Florence will offer free admission during 2023 (the calendar is subject to updates):

  • Sunday, January 1, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Sunday, February 5, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Saturday, February 18, 2023: Free admission to civic museums in Florence to commemorate the Palatine Electress.
  • Sunday, March 5, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Wednesday, March 8, 2023: Free admission to state and municipal museums for women.
  • Sunday, April 2, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Sunday, April 9, 2023 (Easter): Free admission to the Santa Maria Novella complex.
  • Tuesday, April 25, 2023: Free admission to state museums for Liberation Day.
  • Sunday, May 7, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Saturday, May 13, 2023: Night of Museums (locations with 1 euro admission).
  • Thursday, May 18, 2023: International Museum Day 2023 – Free admission from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Museum of Geology and Paleontology, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology, and the Botanical Garden.
  • Friday, June 2, 2023: Free admission to state museums for the Italian Republic Day.
  • Sunday, June 4, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Sunday, July 2, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Sunday, August 6, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Sunday, September 3, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Saturday, September 16, 2023: Evening openings for the European Heritage Days with 1 euro admission.
  • Last weekend of September 2023 (date to be confirmed): Night of Researchers at the University of Florence museums.
  • Sunday, October 1, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Saturday, November 4, 2023: Free admission to state museums for National Unity and Armed Forces Day.
  • Sunday, November 5, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.
  • Sunday, December 3, 2023: Free admission to state museums + Metropolitan Sunday for residents + Villa Bardini Gardens.

Please note that the information provided is based on the available data up until September 2021, and it’s always recommended to double-check the dates and schedules with the museums or relevant authorities closer to the intended visit date in 2023.